We at Manitoba Choral Association are thrilled to announce the much-anticipated launch of a new brand identity, including an updated logo and a completely redesigned website. To complete the work, our dedicated volunteers and staff teamed up with local digital marketer, Buffy Davey, and local graphic designer, Roberta Landreth. After almost a year of collaboration, we are delighted to share our new look with you, our choral community.

Where We Were
A key part of our rebranding project was the redesign of MCA’s logo. It is hard to believe, but our old logo had been in use for over 20 years! The logo featured our Manitoba Sings! tagline and seven “fingers” represented the seven regions of our province: an intentional way to show the breadth of our community and our province's love of singing.
Our New Logo
Our new visual identity has been intentionally designed to represent the joy that singing brings to our Manitoba choral community. To truly reflect the provincial nature of MCA, our new logo icon features a prairie crocus, the official floral emblem of Manitoba. It is said that the crocus is a symbol of joyful cheerfulness, as it is often the first plant to flower after the long winter, creating a splash of colour on the prairie landscape.

Just like a community of voices raised in song, the new logo icon embodies this blooming joy. The layered petals of the icon are a metaphor for a community joining together, and of course, the centre of the flower opens to a singer with a songbook, a symbol of the singing that unites us. The icon’s shape itself represents blooming or opening up, as MCA strives to be approachable and inclusive to all members of our community.
MCA's new brand identity offers several logo styles to choose from, depending on the use.
Our New Website
The new website prominently features our updated logo and our new brand colours. Our site has been redesigned to be as user-friendly as possible for our existing members and donors, as well as the general public. It is designed to be a one-stop-shop for everything choral in the province.

MCA's new home page (above) and brand colours (below)

Not only can users read about MCA’s upcoming programs and initiatives, but they will also find a calendar of choral events, a list of choral jobs and classifieds around Manitoba, resources for choral directors and singers, opportunities to apply for MCA awards and competitions, and an interactive “Find a Choir” page where singers can search for a choir to join in their corner of the province. Our website is now fully interactive. You can easily submit your upcoming choral events, advertise for auditions, renew your membership, register for ChoralFest and Provincial Honour Choirs, and browse for choral titles: and you are even able to put them in your shopping cart and check out!

Above, from top to bottom: the new ChoralFest page, the Choral Resources page, and a snapshot of the new music library platform
Our New Website Address
As part of our rebranding, MCA has chosen to retire the manitobasings.org domain for our website. Going forward, our website and email addresses will use the mbchoralassociation.ca domain. Similarly, our Facebook and Instagram handles will both become @mbchoralassociation.
We are excited to share our updated brand with our members, donors, supporters, and all choral enthusiasts. We invite you to take time to explore the new website, experience MCA’s new look for yourself, and see why MCA really is the hub for all things choral in the province!
Visit MCA’s new website at www.mbchoralassociation.ca.
The logo has been designed really well, the designer has done amazing work on the website. I also contacted SEO Agency Prince George for the same work and i am sure they will provide the best designer logo for my website.