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Congratulations to our 2022 David G.H. Waters Hymn Sing Memorial Award Recipient!

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The recipient of the 2022 David G. H. Waters Hymn Sing Memorial Award is Lauren Fehr.

Lauren is entering her fourth year as a voice major at the University of Manitoba, pursuing a music degree in choral education. She has been a member of University Singers and Women’s Chorus, under the direction of Dr. Elroy Friesen. This past year Lauren had the opportunity to serve as the Vice-President of the University Singers Student Council. She has also been a part of the U of M Musical Theatre ensemble for the past three years.

From starting piano lessons when she was young to being part of every choir she could in high school, music has always been an important part of Lauren’s life. She has had the privilege of being taught by many of Manitoba’s outstanding conductors, such as Rick Heppner Mueller at Mennonite Collegiate Institute, Geung Kroeker-Lee at Central Manitoba Youth Choir, and many others that have been instrumental in inspiring her to want to become a music educator as well. She hopes to be able to inspire future students in the same way that she was.

Congratulations, Lauren!



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