The links below have been compiled as a resource for choirs, directors, choral leaders, and singers. This page is being updated all the time, so check back for more resources soon!
If you have additional resources to share with the choral community, we would love to add them. Please forward to info@mbchoralassociation.ca.
Choral Canada: Benefits of Singing Campaign (call to action & advocacy toolkit)
Singing in Canadian Schools: COVID-19 Impact Survey, January 2022
Acapella: Singing app to create multi frame music videos (Apple device compatible only)
Adobe Premiere Pro: Professional video editor
BAND: Group video chat platform
BandLab: Easy-to-use, all-in-one music creation platform
Final Cut Pro (Apple devices only)
Jamulus: Play music online. With friends. For free.
Noteflight: Create, record, and share music with students on any device
Reaper: Audio Production without Limits
SonoBus: High Quality Network Audio Streaming
Virtual Chorister by SoundSpin