Register for MCA membership and gain exclusive access to members-only programming, resources, and discounts. MCA Members are eligible to borrow from the MCA library, submit upcoming concerts and events to the Choral Event Calendar, view the membership directory, and more!
MCA's membership year runs September 1 - August 31. Early bird registration and renewals start June 1.
MCA is committed to making membership in our organization affordable and accessible to Manitobans. That means that all schools and choral organizations will pay only one fee of $100, regardless of how many choirs they have.
We invite you to add a donation to your membership registration at checkout. With your support we can keep Manitoba singing for years to come!
Borrow from nearly 5,000 titles from the MCA choral library
Borrowing privileges from other PCO music libraries
Promote your ensemble's programs and events to the Manitoba choral community
Stay informed on choral news and events with MCA’s newsletter eNotes
Access online choral resources, including the Musica International database (more details here)
Participate in ChoralFest and other choral workshops at discounted rates
Participate in Special Interest Groups to discuss Intra-Provincial matters and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (IDEA) in the choral arts
Take advantage of networking opportunities
Print concert programs and purchased PDF music at a rate of 5¢/page for black & white and 10¢/page for colour copies
Book the MCA office for meetings at highly discounted rates
Receive an associate choir membership with Choral Canada
Apply for grants from the Foundation for Choral Music in Manitoba
Appoint a delegate to observe at Board Meetings and vote at the AGM
Access the MCA membership directory
Choir Membership*: $100.00
*Includes schools, universities, churches, and community and professional choirs
NOTE: Choral Directors and Educators must purchase an MCA Individual Membership to qualify for discounted registration for MMEA TEMPO and other workshops for individuals. The Choir Membership level does not qualify for the discount.
If you are registering a NEW choir this year, we want to offer you a 50% discount off of the registration fee. Contact us for more details!
Out-of-province choirs are welcome to register for MCA membership to waive out-of-province lending fees for our choral music library and access the FREE and discounted programs and resources MCA offers through the year. Contact info@mbchoralassociation.ca if you have any questions.